Make A Commitment To Your Complexion

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Skincare Resolutions

Christine Lewy
Licensed Esthetician | Divine Complexions Spa Owner
Award-Winning West Coast Glo Skin Beauty Makeup Artist | NW YUMI Lashes Educator

New year, new you, right? ’Tis the season to make fresh, new beginnings. Why not include your complexion in your list of resolutions? As an experienced esthetician, I think it’s important to create a skin routine that excites you. Here are five New Year’s Complexion Resolutions that you’ll surely love and hopefully adopt to get that glow of healthy skin.

💮 Cleanse your skin morning and night, consistently. Want to make a big improvement in your skin? Cleanse it with an appropriate cleanser for your skin type, morning and night. If you aren’t already doing this, it should be at the top of your complexion resolutions. It’s incredible how this simple step can change your skin for the better. Don’t like cleansing your face? I suggest finding a fancy face wash that makes you feel like a queen when you use it, or buy a cute headband to use only when you wash your face, making the practice feel more fun. Do what you need to do to begin cleansing your skin morning and night, and you’ll see big changes. Not sure you’re using the right cleanser? Don’t hesitate to reach out.

💮 Get an exfoliation treatment, preferably monthly. I see clients with dull and tired-looking skin who are unaware that there’s a whole layer of dead skin cells just sitting on top! Every 30 days, a new layer of dead skin cells makes our complexion dull, lackluster and textured. Consider an exfoliation treatment such as a glycolic chemical peel. It will not make you actually peel or red for days, but what it will take off is that dead skin cell layer. It also will allow your skin care to work better. Want an even better treatment recommendation? Choose a facial that exfoliates and deeply hydrates like a HydraFacial.

💮 Use an appropriate day-and-night moisturizer, and enough of it.  I have clients who tell me they’re not happy with their complexion, so I swipe my hands over their skin only to feel the dryness. They say they use a moisturizer, but oftentimes it’s either not enough or not the right one. If you don’t moisturize correctly, your skin will not glow. It also will show aging more. Many don’t realize how dry skin will try to compensate by producing more oil, which can cause breakouts. You need a moisturizer meant for your skin type, one that reaches all levels of skin for maximum effectiveness. Not all moisturizers do this; not all are created equal.

💮 Drink enough water. I know you know this, but I’m here to tell you it makes a difference for good skin. When I schedule wedding makeup, I recommend to my brides to drink water like crazy the days leading up to the big day. I promise, it makes your skin and makeup application look better.

💮 Use a daily SPF. You know I had to put this in here! SPF has come so far! There are unscented, lightweight, fully absorbing formulas, formulas with natural mineral pigments that add some coverage, and some translucent powder sunscreens you can’t even tell you’re wearing. The point is that to find one that works for you, and use it every day. Use it regardless if it’s raining, sunny, or you’re working from home. If you don’t prevent future damage caused by the UVA rays from the sun, you’re undoing everything you’re trying to accomplish. 

Having good skin takes time to achieve, but it is possible! So start small by cleansing morning and night, and then add one thing at a time until it becomes a routine you enjoy!

25700 SW Argyle Ave. • Wilsonville • 503-757-8280 •

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