Canby High School New-Look Cougs

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Community: Canby Highschool

By Tyler Francke, Contributing Writer

Students and staff pose with the new Canby Cougar logo

Produced by students and staff in the school’s graphic design department, the new logo incorporates several timeless elements unique to Canby into a sleek, modern design.

The new Canby Cougar logo is revealed

School officials said the refresh is intended to coincide with the school’s new, $23 million science and general education wing, which is funded by the bond voters approved three years ago and is expected to open this fall.

“With all of the building updates and the new wing being added to the school, we wanted to use this opportunity to refresh our campus with a new logo,” says graphic arts teacher Ian Eilert.

The modernized Cougar logo was pitched as part of an idea to “brand” the new wing. Once administrators agreed on the look, the design underwent its greatest test: students. Several groups of students, including leadership, graphic design and yearbook staff, all approved the design.

Canby High School students and faculty

The new design incorporates several classic elements subtly “hidden” in the design, including the three whiskers representing