legal advice

Navigating the Digital Realm

Safeguard your digital assets by developing a comprehensive inventory of your accounts and passwords. Utilize a password management program for efficient access. Consider designating a digital executor with the necessary technical expertise to manage your digital estate. To prevent confusion or disputes in the future, clearly outline your preferences for each digital asset in your estate plan.

Tax Time Is the Right Time in Six Steps

During tax time, use this six-step process to conduct a thorough budget checkup. It will help you achieve your financial goals by organizing your expenses and evaluating your savings. Take control of your money with practical tips and fully understand your assets and liabilities to make tax season a breeze.

Find Security With Estate Planning for Your Young Adult

Your child turns 18 and is getting ready to go to college or to move into an apartment with some friends… Congratulations! But, since your child has turned 18 — generally considered the age of majority or officially considered an adult — your rights as a parent are essentially cut off.