
A Wondrous Patch of Pumpkin Perfection

The Company mission, “Grow Stronger Communities. Grow Fresh Food for Our Community. Connect Families to Agriculture,” applies to all aspects of their farming, harvesting and retailing business. A visit to this local Molalla farm or one of their satellite roadside stands will have you walking away with armfuls of farm-fresh produce… and maybe a pumpkin or two!

Fit for a King

“Springers” will migrate, then “over-summer” before spawning in early fall, often farther upriver than Fall Chinook go. The Sandy River stays cold, with adequate flow and a low-visibility that protects the Spring Chinook during the heat of summer, and it has miles of high-quality fish habitat in the upper reaches where the fish go to spawn.

Experience Beyond

With the many booking choices available, why choose Travel & Cruise Desk? Longevity in the community. Experienced staff amongst the top in the industry. Attention to detail. In 1965, Julie Shipley established Julie’s Travel Desk, now Travel & Cruise Desk, an ideal business for Julie to employ her gifts of creativity, attention to detail, and desire to help others.

The History of Cannon Beach: A Shipwreck, Whale, And Shifting Names

Cannon Beach, the reference originates with a naval schooner, the USS Shark, which shipwrecked on the treacherous Columbia River Bar in 1846. A section of the ship containing cannons drifted south and washed ashore near present day Arch Cape. Although iron, copper, and wood were salvaged from the wreckage, the cannons were lost as the tides buried them in sand.