Homegrown Help, Walk & Knock Food Drive
Clark County Food Bank Continues Success
Community: Clark County Food Bank
Story and Photos Courtesy of Walk & Knock
Hunger is real. Last year, more than 126,800 people received food from the Clark County Food Bank. One in every four of our neighbors is hunger insecure. No one should go hungry with so much abundance in our midst. What can you do about it?
Simple. Put out a bag or two of non-perishable groceries on Saturday morning, Dec. 2. That’s when a Clark County tradition — the Walk & Knock food drive — happens. In its 39th year, the nation’s largest local one-day food drive will have volunteers going door-to-door to collect food and toiletry donations.
Or drop your donation in a barrel at a Riverview Bank branch, Les Schwab Tire Center, or your local McDonald’s. You can also donate online or write a check — just visit walkandknock.org. Every pound of food and every dollar collected goes directly to the Food Bank. We are an all-volunteer nonprofit organization, no paid staff. We are funded by the generosity of local businesses and civic clubs.
We also can use your arms and legs. Walk & Knock needs hundreds of volunteers to pick up donations. Please consider giving a morning of your time during the holiday season to help others. Visit walkandknock.org to sign up.
Interservice Walk & Knock of Clark County has collected more than 9.25 million pounds of food valued at $16.8 million since its founding by civic clubs in the mid-1980s. Every dollar donated provides a meal; every 10 pounds of food collected provides eight meals. So little means so much.
This year we will be mailing out W&K bags to homes throughout Clark County the week after Thanksgiving. You can give thanks by filling one up and putting it on your porch by 9 a.m., Saturday, Dec. 2.
It only takes a few minutes to help your neighbor. That’s what Walk & Knock is all about: Neighbors helping neighbors. The need is greater than ever. Please help!