Turning Up the Spice With Delicious Raw Honey
Unique variety, hot honey, hot sauces & more
Food And Dining: Browny Bee Honey
By Patti Jo Brooks, Contributing Writer & Donovan Darling, Staff Writer

Browny Bee Honey invites you to “enjoy local hive, 100% pure, raw and unfiltered honey straight from the hive of the rich and fertile forage lands of the Northwest.” Browny Bee Honey’s many unique raw honeys are produced “right in your own backyard” on a small Sherwood farm. And there are so many reasons to enjoy their honey! Honey is a healthy food full of nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, amino acids, enzymes and bee pollen. Consuming raw, locally-sourced honey may also alleviate your seasonal pollen allergies, since local honey contains pollen from the same ecosystem. The pollen that would typically cause symptoms during allergy season alternatively allows the body to build up an immunity against it through ingesting the local raw honey. Honey also makes a great natural sweetener that can be easily substituted for sugar in baking, tea and coffee.
What sets Browny Bee Honey apart from competitors, according to Marketing Director Tyrell Trimble, is the “insane amount of varieties we have to offer.” Browny Bee Honey is able to obtain varieties such as Vetch, Meadowfoam, Fireweed, Carrot Flower and Pumpkin Blossom by partnering with local Oregon farmers for pollination. Normally, you wouldn’t find such a large selection of honeys in a typical store, and unless someone is a true honey enthusiast they probably haven’t tried these. They also produce four different Hot Honeys in assorted flavors and heat intensities as well as various Hot Sauces. Browny Bee’s Original Hot Honey is their best-selling product and a unique item for most Northwesterners, as most people have never even heard of hot honey. Browny Bee Honey is also currently working on growing a small herd of sheep (Barbados and American Black Belly) with the intention of eventually expanding into meat sales.

Browny Bee Honey owner, Mike Brown, is a Sherwood resident and has always loved honey. Perhaps this played some role in the serendipity of Browny Bee Honey’s founding. A close friend of Mike’s, a beekeeper for over 50 years, had raised and supported his family by selling raw honey and beeswax candles at the local markets. “He fascinated me,” Mike remarked. “He was always happy, peaceful and calm.” In June 2021, Mike was ready for a change and decided, “I’m going to sell honey.” He had been helping a local farmer grow the bee population, and as a result, Mike was able to obtain plenty of raw honey for his new enterprise. Sherwood Saturday Market had also just lost their “honey guy” and Mike was happy to fill the spot. He bottled up the honey, added his own logo and Browny Bee Honey was creating a buzz. Towards the end of 2021, Hot Honey was added to the line and later picked up by New Seasons. During 2022, Browny Bee Honey expanded into approximately 160 markets.
Committed to giving back to the community, Mike Brown and Browny Bee Honey have generously donated to local charities, especially Sherwood schools. Browny Bee Honey also hosts an ongoing fundraiser for cancer awareness by selling a special edition of Vetch Honey and donating a percentage of proceeds to support individuals within the community and to further cancer research.
The complete line of Browny Bee Honey’s handcrafted premium raw honeys, as well as hoodies and t-shirts, are available through their online store and seasonally at the Sherwood Saturday Market. Watch for promos and featured items, like the current sale — two for $20/three for $28 deal on five-ounce hot sauces! Their website also includes accessories, recipes and helpful tips, such as how to decrystallize honey.

Please visit brownybeehoney.com to place orders. For more information, visit the Browny Bee Honey Facebook and Instagram pages.