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Working Out Among Friends

Business Feature: Monmouth Fitness Club
By Patti Jo Brooks, Contributing Writer | Photos by Laurel Bice

Monmouth Fitness building

Does your Thanksgiving “feasting” typically last through New Year’s Day? Will your fall wardrobe still fit in January? Monmouth Fitness Club is here to help you achieve your optimal weight and build strength as you see fit. They have your back! And arms and legs and tummy… Add a Monmouth Fitness Club membership to your gift list – after all, it is that time of year.

Monmouth Fitness Club is dedicated to “Making a Healthier Community One Member at a Time,” and encourages you to take advantage of their January enrollment specials. As proponents of an active and healthy lifestyle, this full-service club offers group fitness classes, personal training sessions, HIIT House (High Intensity Interval Training) and up-to-date workout equipment. What truly sets Monmouth Fitness Club apart is the friendships that form between the members and staff. “We want to make sure we always have staff available so people can have that personal connection,” says Ashley, the club manager, pointing out that this is not the culture of every fitness club.

Monmouth Fitness Owner
Tony Jeffries

Monmouth Fitness Club owner, Tony Jeffries, agrees with Ashley and further comments,

“We strive to have the friendliest and cleanest club in the area and are continuously upgrading equipment.” Tony relates that he was drawn to the fitness business as the result of a conversation during his high school years. “I was told by my teacher that I needed to take the things I love to do and make one a career and the other a hobby.” Tony was really into fitness and the outdoors, hunting and fishing particularly. Fitness became the career. Hunting and fishing – the hobby.

Proud to take over a club that has been locally owned since 2001, Tony and his wife, Brittney, became the club’s new owners in 2016. Having lived in Monmouth for 25 years, the Jeffries still consider themselves locals though the family has since moved to nearby Newberg. The club has grown to a current membership of 1200 and a number of those members are age 65 plus, having signed up under their Medicare coverage. “Fitness is preventative healthcare,” Ashley affirms. “It may not lengthen your life,” Tony acknowledges, “but it definitely affects your quality of life.”

Monmouth Fitness Club is active within their community. They sponsor local high school football and trap shooting teams and support CASA of Polk County as well as the Food Bank. “We strive to put a lot back into the community,” Tony expresses. “We’re the biggest Polk County location for Toys for Tots,” thanks to the members’ and staff’s generous donations.

For CPR, First Aid, AED and Health Care Provider classes call Tony at (503)991-1813.

Momnouth Fitness Logo

Monmouth Fitness Club is located at 165 E Main St. in Monmouth. Call them at (503) 838-2951 or email For more information or to join online visit