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Easy Pavlova

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Recipe courtesy of

Cloud-like Meringue + Fresh Fruit

Yields 15 Mini pavlovas


  • 6 large egg whites, room temp.
  • 11/2 cups granulated sugar (plus 2 tablespoons
    for whipped cream)
  • 2 teaspoons corn starch
  • 1/2 tablespoon lemon juice
  • 1/2 tablespoon vanilla extract
  • 11/2 cups heavy whipping cream
  • 4–5 cups fresh fruit


  1. Preheat oven to 225˚F. Line large baking sheet with parchment paper. Using stand mixer, beat 6 egg whites on high for 1 minute until soft peaks form. With mixer on, gradually add 1½ cups sugar; beat 10 minutes on high, or until glossy, stiff peaks form.
  2. With spatula quickly fold in ½ tablespoon lemon juice and ½ tablespoon vanilla extract; then fold in 2 teaspoons corn starch; mix until well blended.
  3. Using a Wilton 1M tip, pipe meringue into 3- to 3½-inch wide nests onto parchment. Indent center with spoon. Bake at 225˚ for 1 hour and 15 minutes — do not open oven door while baking. Turn oven off and keep door closed another 30 minutes. Outsides will be dry and crisp to the tap and a pale cream color; insides will still be marshmallow soft.
  4. Transfer pavlova, still on parchment paper, onto counter or rack; cool completely.
  5. Beat cold whipping cream with 2 tablespoons sugar in cold bowl for 2 to 2½ minutes until whipped.
  6. Pipe cream onto pavlova and top with fresh fruit. Garnish with fresh mint, chocolate shavings, chopped hazelnuts. Enjoy!