Daddy Daughter Dance 2024, Floats on Air
Canby Rotary, April 2024
Daddy-Dughter Dance
We will definitely be at the dance next year.” “My daughter said this was the most fun she has ever had with me.” “I love Barbie.” “My favorite part was EVERYTHING!”
The Rotary Club of Canby and its members hosted the third Daddy-Daughter Dance on March 16 at Ackerman Center. The theme of the evening event was all about pink, and Barbie was the “special guest.” About 360 daddies and daughters, and a few moms and grandpas, attended and danced under a disco ball and twinkling lights to rock and roll, ballroom, hokey-pokey, limbo, and country music after entering through a balloon arch while adorned with beads and glowing necklaces.
A popular activity was dipping marshmallows, strawberries and shortbread cookies in a chocolate fountain with many smiles and laughter by both daughters and daddies. Most girls chose a pretty design for a face painting and a special animal made by a balloon artist just for them. Daddies and daughters also had their picture taken to commemorate the evening. Other fun activities were scattered throughout the evening, including a paper airplane contest, Barbie quiz and a Taylor Swift tournament just about the time everyone needed a break from dancing.
Family relationships are an important need for all children. This event focuses on strengthening the bond with some of the important adults in a child’s life. The more than 80 members of Canby Rotary are delighted to host this event and look forward to hosting it in March 2025.
Rotarians and Backpack Buddies
Have you ever felt the gnawing feeling in your stomach of being hungry? Chances are all of us have been hungry during our lifetime. Some of the youngest members of our community are worried about what they will eat on the weekend when school is out on Friday afternoon.
Canby School District identified more than 300 students who are food insecure or economically challenged students who qualify as being homeless. Most of these students have limited access to healthy food on weekends because of the financial challenges of their family or lack of consistent food storage and preparation space.
Twenty-six Rotarians packed food bags that provided substantial food supplements for four weekends in January and early February 2024. The benefit to the students is improved and reliable food delivered to them. The benefit to the student, their family and the community are well understood. These benefits include students are better ready to learn and improved academic performance. Additionally, an emotional benefit for our youth is knowing community members care about them.
Youth service is one of the focus areas of Rotary International. Rotary is an international membership organization made up of people who share a passion for and commitment to enhancing communities and improving lives around the world. Rotary Clubs exist in almost every country. Our members change lives locally and connect with other clubs to work on international projects that address today’s most pressing challenges.