Fields of Flavor
Ramage Farms offers high-quality, natural grass-finished beef raised with regenerative practices for a healthier product. Their cows are primarily Angus with a few Charolais and are raised without antibiotics or hormones.
Ramage Farms offers high-quality, natural grass-finished beef raised with regenerative practices for a healthier product. Their cows are primarily Angus with a few Charolais and are raised without antibiotics or hormones.
Langdon’s Grill: A unique family-friendly restaurant with made-to-order American-style cuisine, amazing views, and a peaceful farm-themed setting. Experience quality casual dining and a spectacular rural property.
Come visit Liepold Farms – a warm and welcoming family-owned farm! We take pride in growing an abundance of delicious, organic berries and seasonal vegetables with the utmost care and attention to detail.