Meet The Artist: Dick Eaton

His work is primarily of the Plein Air style (French meaning “outdoors”) which was popularized in the 19th Century and focuses on open air, outdoor subjects painted in the outdoors. Often they feature gorgeous, sweeping landscapes that transport you to another place. Far more challenging in many ways than studio work, Plein Air requires dedication to a communal relationship with nature. Weather, wildlife, quick-drying acrylic paints, and an ever-changing source of light provide constant hurdles to contend with, but Dick welcomes that challenge.

William Barlow House

There are countless names and families who stand out in the annals of local history, and who helped found Canby and built it into the community it has become over the past nearly 200 years. Framed with its iconic twin rows of black walnut trees
planted in 1859, the Barlow House was listed in the National Register of Historic Places on February 15, 1977, and remains a prominent landmark of Canby to this day.

Mystery and Mayhem: The Intriguing History of Battle Ground

For many Northwest residents the name Battle Ground is a familiar one. This town just northeast of Vancouver is assumed by many to have derived its name from a historic battle waged at the location. The truth, however, is far more complex, tracing back to a series of events in the mid-19th century, when Washington was but a territory of the United States and relations between white settlers and Indigenous were violent.

Clean Air Lawn Care: The Neighborhood’s Healthiest Lawn

There is a brand new environmentally friendly lawn care provider in the area, and you are going to love their service!
Locally owned and operated by people who love our beautiful city, Clean Air Lawn Care’s new Oregon City franchise location just opened in December of 2020. Owners Todd and Rachael Page are pioneers in this ever-expanding sector of the market, bringing solar-powered, battery-operated, organic lawn care to both public and private clientele.

Matt Zacher: Choose Kindness

One day in 2005, after moving into his first home in Molalla, he drove by the fire department and noticed a sign recruiting volunteers. Propelled by a strong post-9/11 desire to give back to his community, he signed on to this blended band of professional staff and volunteers. Looking back, he realizes how much that decision directed everything that came next in his life.

Basco Appliances: Of Lake Oswego

BASCO’s Lake Oswego Showroom, which opened just last year, carries the largest selection of the industry’s top luxury brands. “We sell products from all over the world. Unique product. Professional-grade product,” relates Cary Ely, BASCO’s Director of Stores. Some of BASCO’s highest sales volume comes from Wolf, Sub Zero, Thermador, Miele, and Bosch.

Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner

This Grilled Chicken Marinade Recipe is made with extra virgin olive oil, freshly squeezed lemon juice, balsamic vinegar, soy sauce, brown sugar, Worcestershire sauce, garlic, salt, and pepper. You have such a variety of seasonings in this marinade.

Columbia River Highway

For those of us living in the Pacific Northwest, the Columbia River Highway (CRH) is a familiar route providing access to the many attractions of the Columbia River Gorge, including majestic Multnomah Falls, Crown Point, and some of the most picturesque hiking in the country. Have you ever wondered how this marvel of engineering came about? It all traces back to Henry Ford’s invention of the Model T and America’s love of the automobile.

Canby Music: A Family Affair

Chris started chatting with the owner, Brian Haines, and asked in a sort of offhand way if Brian thought that he could teach him the guitar. He’ll never forget the response: “No hesitation, no pause, just ‘Of course I can,’” Chris recalls. Thus began a friendship that has spanned a decade or more, involving multiple generations of both the O’Neil and Haines families. Three generations of the O’Neil family take lessons at Canby Music, covering a wide array of instruments — including guitar, ukulele, flute, violin, drums and saxophone. Every Wednesday night, the family comes together at Canby Music for a group lesson and jam session.

Meet The Professionals at Cornerstone Wealth Management

If there’s one thing the team at Cornerstone Wealth Management here in Canby wants you to know, it’s that they are here for you, regardless of where you are in your financial journey or where you want to be headed. “Everyone has to start somewhere and at some point in time,” says Matt Stutes, the firm’s financial planner and son of founder Chris Stutes.

Wilsonville Dental Group

Serving any and all customers from ages 1 to100, Wilsonville dental seeks to make you as comfortable as possible during your visit. In addition to a wide array of comfortable options such as massage chairs, chair-adapting comfort pillows and blankets, ipods and/or headphones for customer usage, and nitrous oxide (aka “conscious sedation”), they also offer full sedation dentistry (aka “sleep dentistry” or “dental anesthesia”).

Aesthetic Medicine

Treat yourself to the most relaxing, rejuvenating, and age-defying experience of your life! Call Aesthetic Medicine and make an appointment today!

The Woodburn Pet Hospital Veterinarians

One upside to all of the madness that resulted from a worldwide pandemic and the ensuing chaos is this: many of us rescued, adopted, or purchased four-legged furry companions to help us through those long and lonely housebound days. Recent estimates have suggested that as many as 11.38 million households in the United States have acquired pets since last spring!

Meet The Athlete: Chance Miller

Known for being a human highlight reel on the gridiron, it may surprise readers to learn that Miller’s first love was a very different sport. Born in Fairbanks, Alaska, he grew up with a passion for bicycle motocross, better known as BMX. “My parents owned up a BMX bike shop up there in Alaska,” he recalled. “So, as a kid, I was out there at, like, 3 years old, riding the track.”