Washington County

Special Olympics Victoriously Return To The Gorge

Athletes compete for fun in Hood River. The Hood River Special Olympics program has about 50 athletes of all ages participating in sports year round, Meckoll said. They compete in everything from bocce ball, bowling and basketball to track and field, swimming and skiing.

A Special O-Cake-sion

“We bring the joy,” Kayla agrees. “Most of our customers come in just because they need a cake, but we aim to be a one-stop celebration shop, with plates, napkins, balloons, and even retail gifts.”

Meet The Artist: Callyn Moore

Callyn Moore, at just 16 years old, is a local musician looking to reach out and connect with that wider world; to possibly point people to that guiding light for those floundering in the darkness.

Business Spotlight: MS Glass Outlet, Polished Service

Auto glass repair and replacement isn’t something many of us typically care to deal with. It’s a common problem, though, here in the Northwest, where snow and ice treatments on the roads often leave behind tiny fragments of loose gravel. Gravel which somehow seems to lodge firmly into tire treads just long enough to gain the perfect trajectory and velocity to then be flung through the air and into your windshield!