
One-Stop Landscape Shoppe

Landscape Shoppe operates from a new location, just a half mile from its previous store. The new facility is professionally designed and well-laid out for the shopper’s ease.

Vehicle Repairs You Can Trust

You can trust J’s Mechanic Shop to perform excellent service and make only the repairs necessary to keep your vehicle running smoothly. Using the most up-to-date specialized tools and diagnostic software they can advise repairs based on the health of your vehicle.

Enjoyment, Conservation, & Study

The Cheahmill Chapter of the Native Plant Society of Oregon, which was founded in 1961, was launched in 1998 and has collaborated with local governments to transform and maintain public land full of trees, flowers, grasses, and other plants that are literally at home. “The term ‘native’ plant refers to plants that have adapted over time to local environmental and social influences, such as soil types, hydrology, micro-climate and human influences,” explains chapter member Michal Wert, who lives on Chehalem Mountain north of Newberg. “They produce flowers, fruits and seeds throughout the year and create a beautiful, natural look.”